ENG :Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679
the methods of processing personal data are described
Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the methods of processing personal data are described.
Treatment holder
This information is made by Eduteam Srl, with registered office in Via Bolama, 15 – 20126 Milan (MI), as a treatment owner.
The data collected are processed in accordance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of its privacy and its rights.
Data processing takes place with manual, telematic and computer modes; Safety measures are adopted to avoid risks of unauthorized access, destruction or loss, treatment not allowed or not compliant with the purposes of the collection.
The provision of personal data is mandatory limited to the data only necessary to establish the collaboration report for the provision of services.
This provision is necessary requirement and its absence implies the impossibility of establishing this relationship with the provision of services or simply a useful report to sending accounting documentation and / or informational services and / or documents as estimates and / or letters of assignment, etc.
Categories of personal data processed
Eduteam srl, will deal with the following personal data:
- personal data and contact details (telephone, email address);
- Navigation data via our portal www.eduteam.it (form for requests and / or sending cv via a special form and / or registrations for newsletters);
- User profiling data
- Administrative data (contracts and / or invoices and / or orders and / or estimates and / or exams registration)
Purpose and legal basis of treatment
The data provided is processed for the following purposes:
- the fulfillment of the legal obligations and / or administrative compliance;
- The management of the collaboration report and / or provision of the services provided;
- sending information and promotional communications subject to consent;
- Sending by Eduteam Srl, or its own commercial partners, communications relating to its products and services after Eduteam Srl, subject to consent, has communicated personal data;
Categories of third parties to which data can be communicated: (fill in if present)
- For the execution of the associative report and the fulfillment of legal obligations, Eduteam Srl may communicate the personal data to the following categories of subjects: companies that deal with Eduteam Srl, of the management of services relating to management platforms used by the subscribers;
- Studies, consultants and companies in the context of assistance and consulting relationships;
- Public authorities, where the assumptions are met.
These subjects will deal with the data as the treatment of treatment or treatment managers on behalf of Eduteam srl.
The updated list of treatment managers is available at the Eduteam Srl office and and is available through a specific request formulated via email at gdpr@eduteam.it
Categories of third parties to which the data can be communicated for commercial purposes (fill in if present)
For the sending of commercial communications, subject to consent, it will be possible to communicate the personal data to the following categories of subjects:
- Institutions or companies with which agreements and / or conventions are stipulated.
Duration of treatment and storage period
The data will be processed only for the time required for the purposes listed. Below are the periods of use and conservation of personal data with reference to the different treatment purposes:
- The data processed for the execution of the relationship and for subtended services will be kept by Eduteam srl for the entire duration of the contract and for a period of 10 years following the dissolution of the relationship, except for the need for further conservation arises, to allow Eduteam Srl the defense of one’s rights;
- The data processed for the fulfillment of legal obligations will be preserved by Eduteam srl within the limits set by law;
- The data will be processed for the sending of information, institutional and promotional communications up to the possible revocation of the consent given for this purpose;
Pursuant to art. 13, par.2, lett. b), c), d) of Reg. EU 2016/679, addressing the data controller, you can enforce the following rights, related to the processing of personal data.
Access rights, cancellation, limitation and portability
The interested parties are recognized the rights referred to in Articles from 15 to 20 of the GDPR. By way of example, each interested person may:
- obtain confirmation that a treatment of personal data concerning him is or not in progress;
- If a treatment is in progress, obtain access to personal data and treatment information as well as request a copy of personal data;
- Get the correction of incorrect personal data and the integration of incomplete personal data;
- Obtain, if one of the conditions set forth in art. 17 of the GDPR, the cancellation of the personal data concerning him;
- Obtain, in cases provided by art. 18 of the GDPR, the limitation of treatment;
- Receive the personal data concerning him in a structured format, of common use and readable by an automatic device and request their transmission to another owner, if technically feasible.
Right of opposition (art.21)
Each interested has the right to oppose at any time to the processing of your personal data made for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the owner. In the event of an opposition, his personal data will no longer be subject to treatment, as long as there are no legitimate reasons to proceed with the treatment that prevail over interest, on the rights and freedoms of the interested party or for the assessment, exercise or Defense of a right in judicial site.
Right of revocation of consent (in the cases provided for by art. 6, par.1, lett. A) or by art. 9, par.2, lett. TO.)
In the event that the consensus for the processing of personal data is required, each interested person will also be able to revoke the consent already provided at any time. The consent can be revoked, writing an email at gdpr@eduteam.it
Right of opposition and revocation of consent in relation to the treatment carried out for marketing purposes
With reference to the processing of data for the purposes C), d) and e) referred to in the aforementioned paragraph “purpose and legal basis of the treatment”, each interested person may revoke the eventually loaned consent or oppose their treatment, through appropriate Request formulated via email at gdpr@eduteam.it. The opposition to the treatment exercised through these methods also extends to sending commercial communications by postal service or telephone calls with operator, subject to the possibility of exercising this right right, opposing for example at the treatment carried out by systems Automated communication.
Right to propose complaint to the Guarantor (art.77)
Furthermore, each interested person will propose a complaint to the guarantor for the protection of personal data in the event that it deems that the rights of which it is holding pursuant to the GDPR has been violated, according to the methods indicated on the Guarantor website, accessible to: www .garanteprivacy.it.
The exercise of the rights of the interested party is free.
Where the subject gives the data is less than 18 years old, this treatment is only legitimate if and to the extent that this consent is provided or authorized by at least one of the owners of parental responsibility for which identifying data is acquired and Copy of the identification document.
Holder, conduct and responsible for the protection of personal data (RPD)
The owner of the processing of personal data is: Eduteam Srl, with registered office in Via Bolama, 15 – 20126 Milan (MI), in the person of the legal representative Marcella Zenoni, while the data protection manager (RPD) can be contacted by email gdpr@eduteam.it